Wednesday 27 July 2011

Czech Me Out!

Yesterday we explored the Old Town, the Stare Mesto, which is very beautiful.

There are a lot of tacky souveneir shops selling 'czech me out' merchandise.

Mary in Wenceslas Square

After exploring the main sites, the Astronomical Clock, Tyn Church and the Powder Tower we went to Wenceslas Square for a little window shopping!


...having bought no windows..we had an icecream instead

Every day we walked past an amazing smelling Italian restaurant. Although we were tempted by more stodgy dumplings and pork knee, we decided pizza was the order of the day... smelt so delicious, Sam couldn't wait for a photo to be taken before he tucked in..ravenous beast!

After dining we headed to the river side and found a lovely little terrace bar overlooking the Vltava River and Charles Bridge.

As it started to get chilly we got blankets to wrap up in..heaven!

Mary overlooking the river, Charles bridge and the castle...

Whilst we were at the bar we experimented with Mary's camera and found the night mode is absolutely fantastic :)

Charles Bridge and Prague Castle at Night
Today we will be exploring the Castle area and hoping the weather forecast is wrong (we don't like rain on holiday!)

Love Sam and Mary

1 comment:

  1. Aww, i'm disappointed that the "Czech me out" wasn't your idea :P The picture of Charles Bridge is beaut! Hope you're both having a fabidoodle time. Miss you and Love you! xx
