Sunday 31 July 2011

Do widzenia Polska

We have enjoyed our short stay in Krakow. The hostel we have stayed at has been excellent - 2 meals a day included in the cost and various vodka based drinks, as well as good craic with the other guests!
Today was a wet and miserable day but unphased we set out exploring in our flattering waterproofs!
We decided that we would go on a trip to a local salt mine. We boarded a train to Wieliczka, about 20 minutes outside of Krakow and visited the historic salt mine.   
We decended down 54 flights of stairs to a depth of 60 meters to the top storey of the mine, where the tour began. The tour lasted just under three hours and took us around various parts of the process. It showed us different methods of mining rock salt from when the mine opened in the 15th century to its closure in the 1960s.   

As well as this, the mine contained large underground rooms carved into the caverns which included this large chapel, a magnificant ball room, lakes, a conference suite and a restaurant!
At the end of the tour we had decended 130 meters underground and thankfully (for Mary) we got a lift up to the surface.
We then returned to the hostel where it was meatball night!

So for now it is "Do Widzenia Polska" and (if we survive tonights sleeper train) "Guten Morgen Wien"

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