Tuesday 2 August 2011

Oh Vienna...

We would both like to start this blog by saying that we had a smooth trip on the night train from Krakow... But we can’t. We gave our tickets to the guard and boarded the train with plenty of time to spare, squeezed down the aisle to our cabin, only to find two tired Scousers in our beds. They were determined the mistake was on our behalf and so we sought salivation from the guard... who spoke NO English. To resolve this, Sam used all the language skills he learnt at school and asked a fellow passenger to interpret for us. Eventually we discovered we were right and we got a good nights sleep.

After a short journey we arrived at our host’s home in Atzgerdorf, Vienna. We met Robert, his wife Veda (for a short time before she went to the airport) and his nephew Patrick (from Louth!). Patrick and us ventured into the very rainy centre Vienna. It was so wet we even took shelter in St Stephensdom, 800 steps up in the spire of the cathedral.

 We returned back to Robert’s home, had a powernap before a walk in Vienna Woods and the best pizza & ice cream ever at Enrico’s. We also discovered a new drink Almduddler - kind of like lemonade but with spices...

Today the weather has been wunderbar: HOT. We started off the morning with a trip to Prater Fair, where we went on a big spinny swingy climby tower thing and got fantastic views of the city.

Enjoying an Almduddler
We then ventured back in to the city and went sight seeing (Sam & Mary style) on a tram which travels around the "ring road".

Mary was sad when her Almduddler was finished...
For lunch we ate a Austrian speciality "eine Wurtzel", a spiced or cheese sausage stuffed into a baguette with mustard & ketchup. Sam liked this with his McDonalds cocacola light...
In the afternoon we met Robert for a spot of sight seeing on the Danube Island (aprox 20km = a big spot) us on bikes and him & Patrick on rollerblades. 
This was the best thing that we have done so far, despite our sore bums. Lots planned for the coming days, so auf wiedersehen :) x

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