Tuesday 9 August 2011

Two Hungary Students

We arrived in Budapest and checked into our hotel - a very orange easyHotel...
 After handing our money to Stelios, we felt very rich with a wallet full of funny money... Unfortunately it isn't worth as much as it looks :(
 We set out yesterday morning for a city tour with a twist, the twist being you stand still for 3 hours, just leaning forward and back occasionally. Mary was quite the speed demon on her segway, Cinderella.
 We both enjoyed zipping around and turning heads of baffled locals who were surprised to see us behind them! After using so much energy, we decided to sample the local cuisine.
 For starters we both had goulash, which is served in Hungary as a soup and it was FABULOUS. Yummy!!
 After our mains (paprika chicken and chicken baked in yoghurt) we went for a walk on the banks on the Danube and Mary played with her camera...
Chain bridge by night
The castle by night
After a spot of shopping in the morning, we headed back to the Danube and passed a memorial to the civilians who were shot by Soviet Soldiers in 1945.
 With the sun shining, we made our way to Margaret Island via a fruit stall. Bizarely they put our necterines in a bag of water...attracting more attention than the segways :s
 Margaret Island didn't compare to the Danube Island in Vienna, but we made our own entertainment, chuckle brothers style... (to me, to you...)
 We finished off our final evening in Budapest with a Japanese takeout... scrumilicious!
Tomorrow brings us to Central Europe's "largest expanse of fresh water" , but before then it is time for an episode of Prison Break (which Mary has finally managed to get Sam hooked on).

Koszonom for reading... Sam & Mary x

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